Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Can You Believe It's June?!
Can you believe we are already about to enter into June?! Where did the entire school year go!?
So much is going on over the next few weeks... please make sure you are keeping track of everything that needs to get done before the end of the year!
A few reminders...
1. Grad trip is on Thursday June 8th. Please check school cash online on June 1st for the permission form.
2. Our Canada 150 Celebration Concert is on Wednesday June 7th. Join us at 1:30pm for the festivities!
3. Our class basket fundraiser is well underway! Our class is creating a "We Love Reading!" basket. Students are asked to spend approximately $10 to add an item to the basket. Baskets will be auctioned off at the Community Party. Speaking of which...
4. Our Community Party is on Friday June 16th. Please join us!
5. Raffle tickets have already gone home. Please help us out with this great fundraiser!
6. Class Colour Day is Friday June 9th. We have had lots of practice this year! What colour will we choose for the "Official" Class Colour Day!?
7. Grade 6 Graduation is on Wednesday June 21st at 4:30pm. Students must come to school in the morning of this day. Parents are welcome to pick up their children to get ready any time after 12:20pm.
That's it for now... check back regularly for updates!
Canada 150 Concert
Are you ready to celebrate Canada's 150th Anniversary? We are!
We would like to invite you to our Canada 150 Concert on Wednesday, June 7 at 1:30pm.
Our concert will feature music from across our nation. You will hear sea shanties from the East Coast, songs by beloved Canadian children's entertainers, French Canadian Folk Songs and more!
Don’t forget your lawn chair to sit on at our outside concert on back play area. 

Sorry… please leave dogs at home.

We hope to see you on there!
Friday, 26 May 2017
Class Basket Fundraiser
To help fundraising efforts at this year's annual Community Party on Friday June 16th, 2017, Parent Council has put together an AMAZING Class Basket Fundraiser!
Each class will collect items for their own basket.
Our class will be making a "We Love Reading!" basket. Some items may include:
- Books (any age level!)
- Magazines
- Indigo/Chapters Gift Cards
- Reading Light
- Book Stand
- Book Marks
- anything else that relates to a love a reading!
Be Creative!
The requested budget for the item(s) you send in is $10 or less. You can join forces with a friend to purchase a larger item.
The items in the basket will be put together by the Parent Council. The beautiful baskets will be displayed and raffled off at the Community Party.
Thank you for participating in this exciting fundraiser. If you have any questions, please call the school office.
Thank you!
Thursday, 25 May 2017
School Raffle
We are pleased to announce that we are starting our BGPS raffle today!
Envelopes with tickets and a flyer regarding price and prizes you could win went home yesterday.
Note: The letter asks you to return the money and stubs to the teachers by May 5th. That should read JUNE 5th .
Thank You & Good Luck!
Friday, 19 May 2017
Check Us Out!
Don't forget to visit our blog and check out our class photos!
Go to the Main Page and click "See Our Students"
Happy Long Weekend! (And some EQAO information)
Happy Long Weekend!
I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable long weekend!
Wednesday May 24 - Friday May 26 -- Grade 6 EQAO
We will be writing EQAO in our classroom next week.
- There is no need to "study" for EQAO at home!
- Please make sure you eat a healthy and filling breakfast
- Please make sure you bring healthy and filling snacks and lunches
- Please make sure you get a good night's sleep
- Please make sure you are on time for school each day.
- Please make sure you do not stress! :)
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Track and Field Day!
Track and Field is tomorrow --
Thursday May 18, 2017!!!
- dress for the weather
- wear a hat
- bring sunscreen
- bring a water bottle
Rain date: Friday May 19, 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
Week of May 15 - 19
We've got a great week ahead of us!
Monday May 15th - Our school is being visited by the YRDSB Eco-Team
Tuesday May 16th - Scientist in the School is here! We are learning about Biodiversity and Classifying Living Things.
Thursday May 18th - Track and Field is today. Please make sure you dress comfortably, bring a water bottle, and wear your best running shoes.
Friday May 19th - Track and Field Rain Date
Other reminders...
- Scholastic order forms are due ASAP
- If you haven't handed in your note for Graduation, please do so ASAP
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart is this Friday May 12, 2017!!!
Click HERE to see how 3 special Heart Heroes made a difference!
We will be jumping all afternoon. Remember to bring sunscreen, a hat, a water bottle, and lots of energy!!!
Register on-line and earn an extra $5 towards your fundraising
Monday, 8 May 2017
This Week...
Happy Monday!
We have a busy week ahead of us...
Tomorrow we will be doing our "special" art project. (Wink Wink!) If you want to prepare at home by sketching a black and white outline or printing a graphic off the computer please do so.
Thursday May 11 is our talent show. The show runs from 10:40am - 11:30am, and then begins again at 1:20pm - 3:00pm. Grade 6 acts will all be in the morning portion of the show.
Friday May 12 is Jump Rope for Heart. Remember that every dollar you raise helps support research for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Scholastic order forms went home last week. If you are ordering, please bring order forms back by Friday.
Consent forms for recording student information went home last week. Please return those ASAP.
You can still order Canada 150 shirts. They look awesome! Check them out on school cash online. Sample sizes are in the office.
Have a great week!
Friday, 5 May 2017
Blog Info
Just a few quick points about using this blog...
1. If you sign up to receive updates on the blog via email, you will receive notifications of posts to the Main Page (such as this one). For all other information you will need to visit the Blog.
2. Homework will now be posted under the "Homework" tab at the top of the page. It will not be on the Main Page of the blog, and you will therefore not receive homework updates by email.
3. A new tab has been added -- "See Our Students". I will update this section with photos from the classroom.
Monday, 1 May 2017
Talent Show
Talent show tryouts are here!!!
Be ready to show off your talent on Tuesday May 2 and Wednesday May 3.
We can't wait to see them!
The talent show will be on Thursday May 11, 2017
10:45am - 11:30am
1:30pm - 3:00pm
*** If you are chosen for the talent show you will find out closer to the date if you are presenting in the morning or the afternoon - then you can invite your family to come see you perform! :)
The talent show will be on Thursday May 11, 2017
10:45am - 11:30am
1:30pm - 3:00pm
*** If you are chosen for the talent show you will find out closer to the date if you are presenting in the morning or the afternoon - then you can invite your family to come see you perform! :)
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