BGPS Lion’s Pride
Dear Parents and Guardians,
You may have already noticed the display
case in our front foyer. This year, we are using it to present items of “pride”
from all of our BGPS students.
On Monday
January 21, 2019 students from our class will be sharing their items
with the school. Students may choose to bring in an item such as a photograph
of place they have travelled, a medal/certificate for an accomplishment, or an
artifact to represent their heritage. The cabinet is locked, and all items will
be returned in 3 weeks.
Please send what your child would like
to put into the display case by
January 21, 2019. As well, please
have your child write a paragraph reflecting what he/she is bringing in, and
why it is important to him/her.
Students should use the paragraph
writing skills they have learned in class (i.e. a topic sentence, relevant and
detailed information, and a concluding sentence). Students may choose to use some
of the following sentence starters to help them write their paragraph:
This is my ________________.
I earned it by ________________________.
It is important to me because ________.
Thank you for your support in this
school-wide initiative,
Mrs. Marni Longo